Anonymous Message To Citizens of the United States of America II
Greetings citizens of the United States of America.
This is a message to wake you up to the coming changes in the world economy.
The United States has enjoyed the position of top global super power for many generations, but soon that time is coming to an end. China is quickly rising to dominance on the global stage, and they are projected to overtake the United States economically and culturally in the years to come.
The Chinese military has also been overlooked and underestimated by westerners as it continues to grow.
Last month, it was announced that the government of China set a defense budget growth target of 7.5 percent in 2019, which is slower than last year but still enough to build a military that rivals the United States.
According to research from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, China spends considerably more on defense than they reveal to the public. There is no doubt that the United States still spends more on the military than any other country, but with China’s massive population, they can get more bang for their buck.
China is beginning to take over the United States in many other ways also, especially in terms of economics. Just last month it was announced that Apple, one of the largest corporations in the world, has more suppliers and manufacturers in China and Hong Kong than anywhere else in the world.
The total number of production sites located in mainland China increased by 26 from the previous year to 380, accounting for almost 50% of all sites engaged in Apple’s supply chain. The 200 suppliers together represent 98% of Apple’s fiscal year procurement of materials, manufacturing, and assembly, according to the Asia Review.
China has massive leverage over the rest of the world by producing so many of our products. The outsourcing of jobs also weakens the economies of other nations and funnels large sums of money into the Chinese economy. This relationship, in part, has contributed to the massive debt crisis experienced in the United States economy. In fact, China is the largest foreign holder of US debt in the world.
The U.S. debt to China is $1.13 trillion as of January 2019. The rest of the $22 trillion national debt is owned by either the American people or by the U.S. government itself, but out of all the nations on earth outside of the US, China is the largest holder. Japan comes second at $1.07 trillion, followed by Brazil at $305 billion. Ireland holds $270 billion, and the United Kingdom owns $272 billion. China is now becoming a major player on the global stage that is quickly beginning to rival the United States.
Photo Credit: Market Realist
Now the United States government is embroiled in a trade war with the government of China, but time will show that China has far more leverage in this situation. China is also on the cutting edge culturally, with a population that is far more educated than that of the US, and an increasing percentage of global patents and inventions. This is because the government of the United States has dumbed their citizens down to make them easier to control, while China is created a well-oiled machine and economic powerhouse.
The population of the United States has become soft because they have mostly lived in comfort, and they have allowed their government to become corrupt, unaware of what has been happening in the outside world. If the citizens of the United States are going to do anything to protect themselves from the coming changes in global politics, they must educate themselves and learn to become more self-sufficient and independent. The United States is quickly sliding into the ranking of a third world country, and without drastic action, the lives of comfort that citizens of the country have known will be coming to an end. The rising influence of China can not be stopped, however, it is not too late to save your own country from the corrupt politicians that have run it into the ground.
The time has come for us to unite, the time has come for us to stand up and fight!