Bizarre Clouds Made of Aluminum Appear on Radar Across the US for Hours

On Monday night, something was recorded that seems to add to the enormous catalog of info out there to suggest that geoengineering is currently happening in real time. On that evening, a mysterious blip appeared on a radar over southern Illinois and western Kentucky in the Midwestern United States.

The “blip” persistently lingered for a duration of time exceeding 10 hours and it traveled for almost 140 miles before disappearing. The National Weather Service pretended to have no explanation for it, if they didn’t in fact know. The “blips” from an untrained eye resembled a storm that was moving, but it wasn’t raining at all.

Some people who know about geoengineering might have turned their heads at that last sentence: of course it wasn’t raining. If this is what we think it is, the point is for it to not rain.

(Image credit: TMU)

The Internet tried to figure out what the blip was immediately, and several people on social media shared their opinions on what this could be.

Some of them made suggestions that perhaps the persistent radar blips were a result of debris falling to the Earth from a passing meteor, or perhaps it was a flock of birds that flew for ten hours. Other people suggested it was aluminum from government weather modification, and some suggested it could even be aliens.

Interesting radar return over Wabash County IL, moving south off KPAH radar.

— NWS Paducah (@NWSPaducah) December 10, 2018

One meteorologist from Indiana claimed this was no mystery, and it was easily explainable by a Lockheed C-130 Hercules aircraft releasing radar-jamming material.

Perhaps that was the official explanation provided for this, but why would one Lockheed C-130 Hercules aimlessly decide to release some “radar-jamming material?”

Information from a pilot appears to confirm that chaff was the mysterious radar echo that traversed #tristatewx late Monday afternoon/evening. Pilot was told by EVV Air Traffic Control that chaff was released by a military C130 northwest of Evansville. @NWSPaducah

— Wayne Hart (@Wayne_C_Hart) December 11, 2018

Technically that wasn’t even an official explanation, all nearby military bases maintain that they had nothing to do with the radar blip. This fact alone is a good indication that the “blip” was actually geoengineering material for some reason being picked up on a radar, if you know what really goes on.

“Whatever aircraft it was, it was not a Scott Air Force Base craft,” Master Sgt. Thomas Doscher said on Tuesday. East of St. Louis, Missouri, Scott Air Force Base is located in Illinois. Sure, no Air Force base knows anything about geoengineering, or boxcars full of coal fly ash being transported to particularly closed down Air Force bases, like McClellan AFB in North Highlands, California. It has not been established in solid fact that this is how it ends up in rain tests, but it’s a rather compelling theory put forward by a credible figure.

The stuff they spray is thought to be aerosolized and altered coal fly ash, according to Nuclear Physicist J. Marvin  Herndon: it’s just a theory to explain what some of us have seen multiple times. That particular AFB was implicated as a factor in geoengineering over 10 years ago in a documentary about the skies being sprayed, and this photo was captured not far from McClellan in North Highlands, California, the same exact week rain tests conducted nearby showed 100x the legal limit of aluminum in Sacramento rain water.

(Image credit: Edge Canopy)

Don’t worry, that nuclear physicists’ paper was thoroughly “debunked” and it was retracted from the journal it was published in. So geoengineering must be fake, the dozens upon dozens of rain tests performed throughout the West Coast, sent to a certified and accredited laboratory in Northern California, must not have any useful information at all. If you’re interested in this theory of what the radar blip could have been, this book on PDF explains it all. Also, this method of aerosolizing material to make it viable for spraying in the sky must be completely irrelevant as well.

“Metal and metal alloy nanopowders were prepared by using the microwave plasma synthesis method. The microwave plasma…

Posted by Pete Ramon on Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Fort Campbell is in Kentucky, and so a spokesman from it claimed to be unaware of any operation involving a C-130 during that time, and without any proper explanation from anyone, people were left to scramble for official explanations from military officials who would never give out the true information if they were up to no good.

The Fort Campbell spokesman added that if a plane were in fact involved, it would have been a part of a secret special forces exercise. In other words, they wouldn’t tell us about it if they could.

According to one source, the blip was a result of “chaff” from a C-130 returning home to the Charleston based McLaughlin Air National Guard Base, after a West Coast training exercise. Don’t people know “chaff” is a false explanation given to pilots and other unwitting individuals to explain spraying of aerosolized aluminum? At least, that’s what the whole “chaff” phenomena seems to be.

To confuse the issue further, the Washington Post added “Chaff is a cloud of light aluminum-coated material deployed in the air to fool and overwhelm radar signals that may be tracking the aircraft.”

Wow: so “Chaff” has to be made of the exact same stuff found in geoengineering patents, official geoengineering experiments conducted by Harvard as if the skies aren’t already being sprayed, the same chemical found in rain tests, the one that isn’t found in free-form in nature? What a coincidence.

Do you think there’s an honest explanation for this? If this were “chaff,” the sheer volume of it necessary to create a cloud of aluminum that lasted for hours is enough to say, they’re spraying the skies with aluminum. I think it’s worse than they are willing to admit.

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