Julian Assange: I Will Bring Hillary Down Before The Debate Stage On September 26th!
By: usanewshome.com
WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange has accused Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton of committing “extortion” by hyping fears over the possibility of a Republican victory in order to attract left-wing voters.Both Trump and Sanders supporters are waiting with bated breath for the next email dump from Julian Assange, the founder and editor in chief of Wikileaks.He released hacked emails last month showing Democratic National Committee officials plotting to defeat Mrs. Clinton’s chief rival, Vermont Sen.
Bernard Sanders.Wikileaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange promised to release more damning emails about the Clinton Foundation, and warned he has enough evidence on Hillary Clinton making secret deals with an alleged Islamic State sponsor for the FBI to indict her.”We have more info and we will publish everything when the time is right some of these materials can get Hillary Clinton to lose the nomination,will Bernie Sanders get the nomination as far as I know he is second in line and hold the remaining delegates if Clinton loses the nomination says Assange in his latest interview”.
Afshin Rattansi, a British journalist went underground with Russia Today to speak with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in London. About 32,000 emails from her private server have been leaked by Wikileaks so far, but Assange would not confirm the number of emails or when they are expected to be published. But he did say this:
Rattansi: If there is any illegality in the pending emails you will release or malfeasance in what you already released President Obama could presumably act on it and get Hillary Clinton charged? Regardless of whether you are about to release any email which would mean that James Comey and the FBI would have no alternative but to arrest Hillary Clinton?
Assange: Our view which we have already stated is if the evidence that the FBI has is enough for a grand jury to indict already… But a prosecutor has to ask a grand jury to indict. And if a prosecutor doesn’t ask, a grand jury won’t indict.But our next leak can bring her down because it is something that FBI can’t overlook!
Rattansi: When will be the date when you will release this leak?
Assange: I will not reveal the exact date but I can promise you this,I Will Bring Hillary Down Before The Debate Stage On September 26th.
This interview is very important because according to the rules Hillary can be removed as the Democratic nominee if Assange brings her down before the debate stage on September 26th and because the DNC rules are suspended than Bernie Sanders will replace her as you can read in a link below this article!