Yes, Trump Maybe Dangerous, But the Unelected Deep State Trying to Overthrow Him Is Far Worse
By: Matt Agorist
There is a proverbial sh*t storm brewing in Washington D.C. right now, and it is separate from the one created by President Donald Trump. Since Trump took office, his executive orders have enraged Americans from coast to coast. While some of them were beneficial, such as ending the US involvement in TPP, others such as the travel ban have caused unnecessary turmoil for innocent people. However, all those orders were conducted in the open and for all Americans to see — unlike the soft coup being carried out against Trump in secret by the deep state.
A game is being played with the security of our country. Pls watch & share this is important. #DeepState
— Dennis Kucinich (@Dennis_Kucinich) February 14, 2017
As Jay Syrmopolous pointed out last week, giving a clear admission of a soft coup in progress, John Schindler, a former professor of national security affairs at the U.S. Naval War College, who spent nearly a decade with the super-secret National Security Agency as an intelligence analyst and counterintelligence officer — and who still maintains deep connections to the intelligence community — readily admitted that senior elements of the intelligence community (IC) are engaging in treason against Trump.
Now we go nuclear. IC war going to new levels. Just got an EM fm senior IC friend, it began: “He will die in jail.”
— John Schindler (@20committee) February 15, 2017
While there is no textbook definition of what the deep state is, Glenn Greenwald recently summed it up perfectly, when he said the deep state:
generally refers to the agencies in Washington that are permanent power factions. They stay and exercise power even as presidents who are elected come and go. They typically exercise their power in secret, in the dark, and so they’re barely subject to democratic accountability, if they’re subject to it at all. It’s agencies like the CIA, the NSA and the other intelligence agencies, that are essentially designed to disseminate disinformation and deceit and propaganda, and have a long history of doing not only that, but also have a long history of the world’s worst war crimes, atrocities and death squads.
Amazing populist concern over US deep state influence that hasn’t been seen since the 1970s. Positive but it’s CIA/contractors not UN etc.
— Julian Assange (@JulianAssange) February 17, 2017
It is important to note that pointing out the deep state attacking Trump, does not make someone ‘pro-Trump.’ For decades, the behind the scenes government has used this two-party system to create divide we see right now and use it to foster distraction to make society think there is a chance they can affect change.
Amazing battle for dominance is playing out between the elected US govt & the IC who consider themselves to be the ‘permanent government’.
— Julian Assange (@JulianAssange) February 15, 2017
As we are seeing right now, those who challenge the status quo (even if that challenge is idiotic, bigoted, and tyrannical) will find themselves on the receiving end of the shadow government’s ominous power. Sadly, because Trump is such a divisive and outspoken president, people are welcoming the unelected and secret power structure exerting their influence over the democratic process — overtly.
Article excerpt [thefreethoughtproject]