Inventor of a “Water-Powered Car” Died At Restaurant, Shouting “They Poisoned Me”
Ever heard the story of Stanley Meyer and his water fuel cell? Gather around the campfire, here’s one for the history books.
The water fuel cell is the supposed invention, a technical design of a “perpetual motion machine” created by Stanley Allen Meyer, born on August 24, 1940.
Meyer made bold claims that an automobile fixed with this fuel cell device could use water instead of gasoline. It’s true that in 1996, an Ohio court found his claims to be fraudulent, but there seems to be more to the story.
(Image credit: CE)
The claims were that the water fuel cell served the purpose of splitting water into its basic component elements, oxygen and hydrogen. Then according to this, the hydrogen gas was burned to generate energy, in a process that reconstituted the water molecules.
Meyer claimed the device didn’t need as much energy to perform electrolysis as the minimum energy requirement measured or even known about by conventional science.
It was also alleged to involve “Brown’s gas,” a substance that has kind of gathered a cult following, a mixture of oxyhydrogen with a radio of 2:1, the same composition of liquid water, which according to Wikipedia, “which would then be mixed with ambient air (nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, chloroflourocarbons, free radicals/electrons, radiation, among others).”
If you believe the official narrative, the device would violate the first and second scientific laws of thermodynamics if it really worked, allowing it to be a “perpetual motion” machine.
Conventionally cells like this are referred to as electrolytic cells, something that would be a device in which electricity is passed through water to produce hydrogen and oxygen.
The man’s story became pretty well known when a news report appeared on an Ohio TV station, where Meyer demonstrated a dune buggy he claimed was powered by his water fuel cell.
He claimed that only 22 gallons or 83 liters of water would be sufficient fuel for travel from Los Angeles to New York.
Academic journals were published, in Nature, about Meyer’s claims amounting to pseudoscience. The report said “It’s not easy to establish how Meyer’s car was meant to work, except that it involved a fuel cell that was able to split water using less energy than was released by recombination of the elements … Crusaders against pseudoscience can rant and rave as much as they like, but in the end they might as well accept that the myth of water as a fuel is never going to go away.”
However, the way this man’s life ended was too strange to be nothing, unless it were a terrible coincidence.
If these ideas were to be denigrated as pseudoscience, why would he even attempt to go public with this in the first place? He didn’t seem like the type of person to do that.
(Image credit: sciencevibe)
He just may have had a little bit of knowledge that people in power did not want him to have, relevant or irrelevant of the validity of his claims with the fuel cell, because this is what happened to Stanley Meyer.
While eating at a restaurant in 1998, Meyer passed away suddenly.
His brother claims it was a meeting with two Belgian investors, and Meyer suddenly ran outside shouting “they poisoned me!”
It doesn’t get much more suspicious than that. What did he really know? Unfortunately the world may never know.