Scientists Believe They Have Discovered A Parallel Universe
It was recently reported that scientists believe they might have actually caught a flashing moment of a parallel universe “bumping up against” the one we currently live in.
The hints came in the form of signals from what they believe to be the most distant points of the universe, suggesting that the fabric of our own universe has suffered from disruption, caused by what they believe could be another very different universe.
This analysis could constitute some evidence to suggest the multiverse theory.
A researcher at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Dr. Ranga-Ram Chary took a close look at data from the cosmic microwave background, gathered famously by the central European Space Agency’s Planck Space Telescope.
Scientists examine this glow, this energy captured by the Planck Space Telescope all the time. So this time, the researchers found various spots in which the microwave light was much brighter than it would make sense for it to be. According to one article:
“He claims that theses may be signals caused by the interaction between our universe and another one a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang around 13.8 billion years ago.
The existence of multiple universes – a multiverse – has been considered scientifically plausible. If all these universes emerged from the same Big Bang, then they’re likely sitting together in a row, vibrating. According to the theory, if these universes touch one another, the resulting collision would leave some sort of evidence.”
New Scientist reported the research from Dr. Chary first, and summarized this effect as similar to two bubbles bumping into each other.
These “bubble universes” are thought to be expanding within what they describe as the multiverse, leaving an imprint on the surface of each universe’s outer surface.
Dr. Chary continues that these signals suggest the alternate universe that may have bumped into our universe, may be wildly different from our own. It could even have a ratio of subatomic particles, baryons and photons, that is about ten times greater than the ratio we can observe in our own universe.
Physics could also be wildly different in that universe. Dr. Chary said: “The fine tuning of parameters in the early universe required to reproduce our present day universe suggests that our universe may simply be a region within an eternally inflating super-region. Many other regions beyond our observable universe would exist with each such region governed by a different set of physical parameters than the ones we have measured for our universe.”
After subtracting models of the cosmic microwave background from Planck’s pictures of the sky, then subtracting the signals known to come from the stars, dust and gas, it should have been nothing but “noise” left.
However, scattered patches of light 4,500 times brighter than could be explained were found instead. Continuing from one article: “They are thought to come from an era in the universe’s evolution known as recombination, when electrons and protons first combined to create hydrogen. This era has a distinctive spectrum of color due to the limited number of atoms around, and hence has a unique appearance and anomalies can be easily spotted.”
Dr. Chary wrote, “The implication is that collision of our Universe with an alternate Universe that has a higher baryon density is responsible for the enhanced recombination line signature.”
In case you thought this was some off-brand study, other astronomers are excited about the findings as well. For example, you’ve got astronomer at the University of Cambridge, Dr. Jens Chluba, who said: “To explain the signals that Dr. Chary found with the cosmological recombination radiation, one needs a large enhancement in the number of (other particles) relative to photons. In the realm of alternative universes, this is entirely possible.”
Do you think there could be another explanation for this “light?”