9 Health Benefits of Cannabis, Backed by Science
29 US states including Washington DC have officially legalized medical cannabis.
At this point, unbelievably the prohibitionist attitude toward cannabis is more alive in countries that were coerced into accepting it from the US decades ago. The prohibitionist attitude toward cannabis is certainly alive and well in other countries, from Europe, to Asia, to Australia and New Zealand. It is for that reason that we still must review the undeniable health benefits of this plant.
It has been reported that at least 84 percent of the American public believes cannabis should be legal medicinally, and 61 percent of Americans officially support recreational cannabis.
Some pro-science websites suggest that more studies are needed on cannabis to fully utilize its medical capability. I’d disagree because when people get to taking apart something like cannabis, the result will probably be pharmaceutical corporations trying to replicate the chemicals in cannabis, to create what could be considered a perversion of it.
Here are some reasons why medical cannabis is very real.
Cannabis doesn’t harm lung capacity, it seems to improve it
Unless a person also smokes tobacco or mixes their cannabis, a lot of evidence suggests that cannabis smoking might not only fail to damage the lungs, but it might improve lung capacity.
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association discovered this.
The researchers observing heart disease risk factors tested the lung health of 5,115 young adults over a course of 20 years. Over time, tobacco smokers lost lung function, but people who smoked cannabis had an increase in lung capacity.
Cannabis can kill the opioid epidemic and treat chronic pain
Chronic pain is exactly what cannabis is here for. While some people have a specific type of pain that isn’t as responsive to cannabis as what is causing an epidemic around America, opioids or opiates, some people really feel the benefit of cannabis even more.
A report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine said there was positive evidence that cannabinoids can effectively treat chronic pain.
Cannabis can help with muscle spasms
The report mentioned above also noted that strong evidence suggests cannabis can help with muscle spasms, particularly related to multiple sclerosis.
Cannabis can treat glaucoma
Remember when medical cannabis wasn’t legally recognized almost anywhere, and there some urban legends of people pretending to have glaucoma to get legal cannabis? Now, more academic research can verify that cannabis treats this ocular disorder, for the people who prefer to see that as proof.
The National Eye Institute said:
“Studies in the early 1970s showed that marijuana, when smoked, lowered intraocular pressure (IOP) in people with normal pressure and those with glaucoma.”
Cannabis can control epileptic seizures
This might be one of the most visibly provable, profound effects of cannabis. Many people who have seizures very often have their illness completely stopped in its tracks by cannabis.
Countless people have reported that cannabis is the only medicine that properly stops their children’s seizures.
One such case lies in Chase Walker, the little boy from Australia who was taken from his loving mother and father by the state because they very successfully treated him with cannabis oil.
The story of Chase Walker is an important one, that should be retold forever in history as what happened during the era of cannabis prohibition.
Remember: Australia is still stealing kids from parents over cannabis, despite all the proof cannabis can cure illness and the fact that the Australian government even wants to export cannabis to places where it is legal while arresting its own citizens for it.
Yes, they actually said they want to become the world’s largest exporter of it.
Cannabis can specifically treat a severe seizure disorder known as Dravet’s Syndrome
One noteworthy example of cannabis treating this awful seizure disorder lies in Charlotte Figi, a 5 year old girl who received high CBD cannabis.
She formerly had 300 seizures a week, and after cannabis that was reduced to a mere seizure a week. This is reported in the documentary “Weed,” in which Sanjay Gupta interviewed the Figi family.
Cannabis can slow Alzheimer’s disease
A study as far back as 2006 from the Scripps Research Institute suggests that cannabis can slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Yes: cannabis basically protects people from dementia, as opposed to what people used to think.
The study, led by Kim Janda was published in the journal Molecular Pharmaceutics, and it found that THC slows the formation of amyloid plaques in by brain by blocking the enzyme that makes them. These plaques are tied to Alzheimer’s, and they kill brain cells.
Cannabis can treat multiple sclerosis
As mentioned above, cannabis can help people who suffer from multiple sclerosis, as confirmed by a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
30 MS patients that had painful contractions in their muscles were studied by Jody Corey-Bloom. The patients didn’t respond well to really any treatments, but they were in less pain after smoking cannabis for a couple days.
Cannabis cures cancer
CBD stops cancer from spreading, THC and CBD can shrink tumors: cannabis is one of the most effective treatments for cancer, and while many people who treat their cancer with cannabis oil note that a combination of naturopathic treatments are probably necessary to kill the cancer in conjunction with the cannabis oil, we should know about this by now.
Studies from 2007 to 2014 and beyond have proven that cannabis can prevent cancer from spreading, it can slow the growth of brain tumors associated with 80% of malignant brain cancer in people, and more.
Cannabis can decrease anxiety
This one should go without saying. While it’s certainly true that some people can be made more anxious by cannabis, one study quite accurately talked about a “Goldilocks zone” of cannabis: they believe a small amount can reduce anxiety, but a large dose can increase it: makes sense.
In conclusion, it is still actually necessary to quantify the health benefits of cannabis like this in one organized sheet of information. That’s because the prohibitionist attitude kind of pushed by the US and allies for years is now thriving in other parts of the world, while the US, the origin of this mentality, learns the lesson.