Lady Gaga Reveals How The Elite Creates Division and Hatred In The Masses
When you take a look at what is going on around the world, it is quite easy to see that we, as a people are divided. We are divided by our race, our religion, our gender, our culture, our sexual orientation, our beliefs our dietary preferences and the list goes on and on. This division is reinforced by the mainstream media, which is always encouraging us to fear and hate other groups, religions or nationalities around the world, and thus keeping us in a state of panic.
This fear and panic that is being encouraged is just fuelling this entity of what we call ‘evil’ and ‘hate.’
Before we dive into this, it’s no secret that Gaga has, in many ways, sold herself to an industry that has ulterior motives and agendas. She has also been a pawn for this industry, carrying out rituals and so forth in front of millions. BUT, and this is a big but that many in the ‘truth’ movement need to begin to realize, we’re going through a shift, things, people, and companies will change as their consciousness is changing and shifting too. This change helps to shift the way people see things. To write off any person, company or thing as ‘evil forever’ as so many seem to will only keep us believing that things will never and can never change.
In the video below, Lady Gaga weighs in on what this entity is designed to do, how it functions and what we can do as a collective to stop feeding it, because if we stop adding fuel to the fire by feeding it what it wants, it will eventually burn out. This is a very important message to consider.
We need to shift the perspective. The solution is that we need to build a kinder and braver world. We need to get rid of those labels, these different factions, gay, straight, rich, poor, mentally ill, not mentally ill, gun owner, not gun owner. None of this can matter anymore. We are unified in our humanity and the only thing that we all know, we all appreciate in one another is kindness.”
Easier Said Than Done?
Perhaps you may be thinking, well, I can live a life without judgment towards others and I do practice kindness, but many people cannot see past the differences in others. But, don’t worry about them, keep living your truth and recognize that everything you judge about others is often a reflection of a characteristic about yourself. If you choose kindness even when it is expected you don’t, and you stick to this, this lessens the grip of the evil in the world. This in turn will impact many others.
We are all beings on this planet- how can we ever put an end to these wars if we are constantly being kept divided instead of coming together as a whole, as humanity? This reminds me of a quote from Ronald Reagan:
“Can we and all nations not live in peace? In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?”
I’m definitely not saying war is ever a good idea really, because actually whoever thought that killing people and going to war to find peace was the most stupid thing I ever heard. Literally. It is only the illusion of separation that keeps us divided. I realize that we have a long way to go to realize this truth, but at least people have begun waking up to this truth.
Spread love, spread kindness, have compassion. We are all equal beings on this planet.
To make a shift within yourself
This article originally appeared on CE.